Monday, January 02, 2012


Our squirrels are VERY bold. There is, quite frankly, no way of discouraging them from thieving the bird food when they set their little pea brains on that very task. The picture above is how I found him when I walked into my kitchen to make a cup of Rosie Lee this morning.

Today, it seems, Ivan decided it would be a good day for a suet breakfast. Clearly, this particular rodent's list of new year's resolutions did not include leaving the birds' food alone.

This is his commentary to me after pounding on the window to dislodge his hairy butt.
SPEAK to the TAIL!

Now, normally, I would not be put off by this blatant display of gross disrespect, but I DID give him a good 3 minute grace period munching on the suet so I could photograph the dirty deed before pounding on the window so I think he ought to be grateful. This was very rude, I think.

After jumping from the illicit feast to the window sill and over to the fence where he furiously scratched himself and spun his tail while "regrouping", he decided he was still not full.

This is Ivan coming back for more. It's a good job Q-tip was too busy chewing my Addi Turbos to notice this little mini-drama.

Crafty Squirrel: 1
Irate Woman: 0

He wins the battle - I'm still fighting the war.

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