Thursday, January 03, 2008


Well, it has been - lemmesee - too long since my last confession - er, post.

I have decided that on top of my list of resolutions is to knit a sock. I say "a sock" because I knit my first one approximately, um, over a year ago and since then it has been sitting in my sock drawer, alone, praying that Almighty God would take a row of its ribbing and make it a mate.

This is a lovely sock. It is made from fine yarn which is infused with aloe and jojoba. Delish. I threw a street party when I turned my first heel, but then I fell off the sock wagon as it were and started other projects, vowing to return and make the other sock. Didn't happen. I have to be good this year though, SO...

I visited my favourite knitting bookseller (Hi, Marsha!) and ordered a new book that will teach me (it says) to knit two socks at once on one circular needle???!!! Said book is by Melissa Morgan Oakes, called "2-At-A-Time-Socks". I remain reticent. I'll let you know how it works for me!

Happy Sock Knitting!