Thursday, April 09, 2015

Doing the Sock-Hop of Shame

ME:  I am afraid to knit socks.  There.  I've said it.
SOCK GURU: (We all know one.  Pick your favourite.):  What are you afraid of?  Failure?
ME:  No.
SOCK GURU:  Turning a heel?
ME:  Nope.
SOCK GURU:  Toe issues?
ME:  Wrong again.
SOCK GURU:  Sock yarn and tiny needles?
ME:  No.
SOCK GURU:  Asymmetriphobia?
ME:  Huh?
SOCK GURU:  Fear of asymmetrical objects.
ME:  Don't care about that.  The differenter the better.
ME:  I. Like. Odd. Socks.
SOCK GURU:  There's only one other thing that comes to mind.  Do you get ladders between the needles? 
ME:  GAH!  {Weeping uncontrollably now}.

SOCK GURU:  Have you tried pulling the first two stitches on each needle really snugly?
ME:  Yes.  Didn't work.
SOCK GURU:  Sometimes, the "ladder" will disappear when the sock is finished and you wash it for the first time.
ME:  As Richard Dreyfuss said in "What About Bob", "You know I can't live with that kind of ambiguity, Fay!!!"
SOCK GURU:  Have you tried the "magic loop" method.
ME:  Okay, you've got my interest...  No.  I haven't.  But I'm willing to give it a go.

Stay tuned, Guru.  Casting on with a 32" circular...


Monday, March 30, 2015


Sometimes we get so wrapped up in lovely complex projects that strain our brain and then along comes something that is so simple, and so much fun, it is like a breath of fresh air.  Something that in its simplicity, calms the soul and renews our love of the craft, reminds us of why we love the craft and gives us the tool with which to draw in someone who may have thought, "Gee, some day I might like to learn to do that."  This. Is. Such. A. Project.  "Zick Zack Scarf by Christy Kamm.  I love the way it looks 3-D in the photo.  I love the feel of the garter stitch fabric the pattern creates.  I especially love the fact that I can throw it in my bag, head out the door, and have an easy project to take out and work on when struck by the urge to knit (yes, this is a thing).

A good friend introduced me to this pattern.  A good friend who has made many complex, lacy shawls.  A good friend who perhaps saw this pattern and thought she needed a breather.  Well played, you! 
The pattern is free on Ravelry, here:

If you decide to try this little jewel, please feel free to leave photos in the comments.

Joy in knitting.