Saturday, November 03, 2012

... And Owning a Cat Doesn't Hurt ...

Cats are marvelous companions.  They instantly approve of everything you knit.  They watch with intense interest while your needles click and clack and they wait with great anticipation for you to turn your back and leave your knitting unattended so they can fully investigate the quality of your yarn and covertly help you "wind" it properly.  They think they are helping.  To suggest otherwise would be to malign their good characters, to be sure. 

I've often wondered why, when knitters are so ardent about their stash and projects, that they are almost always drawn to pets who like nothing better than to romp in said stash and tangle with it.  Why doesn't a knitter go for, say, something less "helpful" like, oh, I don't know ... a goldfish?

Because, dear friends, and I'm sure this will come as a surprise, a knitter is always up for a challenge and you can't say to a goldfish, "Gill, will you wind this for me, please?"

Oh, and, Q-tip?  I KNOW you're not really asleep.  You are lying in wait ...

Joy in knitting...

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