Monday, November 08, 2010

Okay, knitters can sometimes be a wee bit obsessive...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Startitis Strikes Mississauga Knitter

I am sick with a terrible case of Startitis. If left unchecked, this can lead to a chronic case of Finishaphobia. I've already got some of the tell-tale symptoms of this ghastly malaise. I have currently on the go - a pair of socks, no. 1/2 and I'm not liking the chances of casting on the second - this is a whole other illness - "Onesockitis" - I have a hat in modified rib which I really like, but it's boring. So much yarn, so little time and I want to use it all! Bless me!

Friday, October 15, 2010

This lady is my hero - I think!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

In the waning of the day when embers warmly glowing lay within my hearth
the stresses that had taken hold no longer seem to be so bold
They don their cloaks and quickly flee, and yield to wools enfolding me,
As I sit clicking, clicking, softly knitting
in the waning of the day.

In the waning of the day when all around me sleeping lay
No sleep can find me as I sit before the fire and quietly knit
My soul finds solace in the act, the quiet, lovely fibrous act of one stitch over, two left back
Wrap the yarn, take up the slack.
A sock, a hat, a baby sweater
End result? It doesn't matter
Just the act of quiet solace worry-free of come what may
in the waning of the day.
Copyright 2010 - Judith Somersett

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Just so there is no confusion, the "Judy" in this video is not me. I do not know this Judy but I think I love her! Her instructions are clear and concise and extremely helpful. I think anyone who wants to know how to perform this task should watch and learn! Enjoy, and thanks, Judy, for your much appreciated assistance! :)