HEART ATTACK PIESome of the wonderful "sistas" on an e-mail list I belong to got to discussing what they would eat if it were the end of the world and they could have ANYTHING. I would opt for Heart Attack Pie.
Well, yes. That's what we had for dinner tonight. We have come to call it this because it's filled with extra-old white cheddar cheese and onion - that's with a top AND bottom crust. That's bad enough, but we have a side of sausages - fried to be sure - with the pie. All in all, it's a plate full of cardiovascular distress. Nay, it is a myocardial infarction wrapped in pastry.
Anyone want the recipe?
3 cups of shredded extra old white cheddar cheese
1 cup of chopped onion
pastry crusts (I buy the Tenderflake ready-made deep-dish pie crusts)
Boil the onion in a pan until transparent (don't fry them - that just seals the heart attack deal!)
Combine the cheese and onion in the pastry shell and put the lid on it. Vent the top crust and brush with egg.
Bake in pre-heated 350 degree oven for 1 hour and serve with your favourite side dish - ours is sausage.
What's that sound? Oh, it's my left ventricle slamming shut...
I invite comments. If you had one meal left and you could have ANYTHING - what would it be?
DEAD MAN WALKING WANTS TRIPE!Dad (that's him with Q-tip down there - scroll down), when asked if he were on death row, what would his last meal be, sez:
"Fresh Tripe".
He sez this because we live in Canada and fresh tripe cannot be acquired here - well the Canucks SAY they have it but it's completely 'uneatable' (Dad's word - not mine - Dad's so cute) and I say, "Well, it can be done - it's only a 6-hour flight from England - prison warden gets on the horn and sez 'Dead man walking wants tripe' and in 6 hours, it's right in front of you." So to this, Dad says, "Well I'd wait until the tripe was in the air and then say 'I forgot to mention the trotters' - that would give me at least another 6 hours." I sez, "They HAVE trotters in Canada".
So come on folks. what would be your choice?
Joy in knitting (and eating...)